Rich Lyons
Rich on amerikkalaissyntyinen stand up -koomikko, joka vielä vuosikymmenen asuttuaan Suomessa esiintyy in english. Monilahjakkaana koomikkona Rich saatetaan nähdä lavalla myös pianon kanssa esittämässä omia nerokkaan hauskoja huumorilaulujaan.
Oikea perisuomalainen amerikkalaiskoomikko!
Rich began his stand up career in 1997 performing throughout Europe as well as in his native New York. In 2009 he was runner up at the London Bridge New Comedy Fringe Festival and has since become an occasional headliner on the UK comedy circuit. His comedy spans a wide range of topics and, when the mood hits, he may drag out the keyboard to perform a few comedy tunes as well. He does bar gigs, club gigs, corporate gigs, and as the warm up comic for the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007, arena gigs.
“A world class comedian!”
– Rich Hall
Tilaa stand up -koomikko Rich Lyons keikalle:
Soita meille numeroon +358 50 400 4040 tai lähetä tarjouspyyntö täältä.